Guidance for an Engineering Students

Rishi Raj
5 min readJun 12, 2021

First of all things, I want to have you have the patience to read the whole story. Otherwise, it will be of no worth.
A College is a dreamland of a student’s academic career. It is a charming prospect of enjoyment, freedom, and friendship. Sweet memories and pleasures of college life are just marvelous. The first and the last day, group of friends, extraordinary celebrations, parties of Curricular and extracurricular activities, and experiences at hostels make College life the most memorable part of life. With my experience and knowledge, I am writing this blog which is a little specific for B.Tech students. I am taking a reference of 4 years.

1st year

It is the year when a student is curious, worried, excited, and happy of thinking for the next four years of college life. And like this, the journey begins for the most cherished four years of life.
As a student who comes after winning a long battle of class 11th and 12th few things are very important for him/her to explore in the college.
Firstly they should join different clubs and societies to remove their hesitation and nervousness etc. These could be technical or cultural.
Clubs are not only good learning opportunities, but they are also a great way to get mixed into the college culture while giving us experiences that we may remember for a lifetime.
And after this, students must make as many friends/connections as they can make. It might not benefit them at that time, but in the later future, this will be like an investment that will give a good return whenever needed. So start making connections as it can be an asset to you.
First-year is for entertainment and enjoyment, so enjoy it at most. Along with the fun, do a small job of learning a programming language.
And do a lot of research in your field, give the time in seeking for your passions.
You don’t even realize, in doing this, the year gradually comes to an end with just two short semesters. And a quarter of the whole journey comes to an end.

2nd year

Now the 2nd-year comes, A lot of students get serious in studies and coding. The main goal behind this seriousness is grabbing an internship at the end of the 2nd year, looking for some freelancing works, etc. But most of them do it in the wrong direction and hence fall due to many reasons like lack of motivation, competition, etc.
One of the correct ways for this may be, to begin with, basics. That is to start learning with a Programming language, then learning Data Structures and Algorithms of it. Along with learning these technologies, one can explore and start building projects in different fields like Web Development, Android Development, Machine Learning, etc. Or else he/she can begin with competitive coding, open-source contribution, etc. There are diverse opportunities just it is needed to explore.
Build a strong resume that stands out from others, and before the ending of the fourth semester that is 2nd-year, start applying for internships in various companies. (Internships Tips)
Once you grab an internship and perform well in a particular field, it is highly likely to get a PPO (Pre Placement Offer) from that organization. If you make it possible, it is the cherry on the cake, otherwise, you still have another chance for the same in the third year. In the worst case, if you couldn’t make it possible to grab an internship, then you can build a decent project of your own using different technologies or enhance your skillset.

3rd year

The third year (pre-final) is somehow similar to the second year. New subjects are added in the third year that is also crucial for placement point of views. Many companies let third-year students sit in their hiring exams. It is the year when you need to focus more on studies, maintaining your GPAs, and skills enhancement. Start doing internships and build some major projects. As just after completion of the third year, companies begin to come for placements. And once this process starts times fly, and you don’t even get to know.

4th year

The final year is the main year, and this year moves fast forward to the time. The whole year revolves around 4Ps placements, packages, projects, and pressure. In most of the colleges, there is a final year project which continues for the whole year. So it is a little more hectic time as compared to another academics year. Nearly every morning, you will listen to companies coming with this and that criteria, stories about hiring, and related news. Slowly and slowly, the end of this lovely and immeasurable year comes to an end with lots of memories and thoughts.


College Life exposes us to a new environment where we have to learn new things and face new challenges by ourselves. So it is necessary to keep ourselves faraway from bad things. A student is intelligent enough to understand his/her good or bad. But few things, I would like to mention a few from my experiences.

  • Explore as much as you can. Try to gain knowledge in many fields. Develop a habit of reading daily. Build connections.
  • Have a good GPA.
  • Start working on your skills as early as you can. Learn to manage your finances.
  • Do not get into toxic relationships. Stay away from any addiction such as drugs, alcohol, etc.
  • Have good relations with professors. They will guide you with every obstacle.

Last but not least, you got your college life, appreciate it, enjoy it and make it memorable. These moments will be remembered later.


I have tried to mention all the possible points, but somehow if you need further guidance on it, then you can connect with me on my Website, Linkedin. I am open to helping.
Thank you and All the Best.



Rishi Raj

I write about Technologies & Nutrition. I am a Computer Science Student.